How to Create Your Custom Collection for Your NFTs

Learn about how NiftyKit can help you build your custom collection so that you can mint artwork and invite your team to collaborate by minting NFTs directly into your collection.

You will have the ability as a Collection owner to Accept or Reject submissions.

After you log into your account, you will be able to create a new collectible using our unique NFT builder.

Here is what our builder tool looks like:

When you get to the builder screen, you will select which collection you want to mint to.

You will have 3 options when choosing a collection:

  1. Mint into an existing collection
  2. Purchase a new ERC-721 
  3. Create New ERC-721

By default you can mint into our NiftyKit Collectibles (NFC) collection. 

This is our flagship collection, and you are free to mint your work in our collection if you are not ready to have your own ERC-721.

No commission is collected on this collection, and it is open for you to mint so you can list it on Opensea or Rarible and sell it to collectors willing to pay you in crypto to purchase it.

Purchase your ERC-721 Collection using your credit card using Stripe.

No crypto, no problem!

The custom ERC-721 Collections and NFTs you mint on our platform are yours. 

Once minted you will see your NFT show up on the blockchain and you will have the ability to export your private key so that you can use MetaMask to manage your NiftyKit digital collectible wallet.

Additionally, when you have connected your wallet MetaMask you will have the ability to transfer your NFT to another wallet that you own. 

Secondary Marketplace Opensea and Rarible

On your NFT page, you will see 3 buttons:

  • View on Opensea marketplace
  • View on Rarible marketplace
  • View on Etherscan to see your work on-chain

Clicking these buttons will link out in a new window to your token on each of the sites.

Here you can explore more additional information about your NFT on each of these sites.

Additionally you can leverage secondary NFT markets to list, trade, transfer, or display your collectible so that it can be discovered by collectors worldwide who are looking for digital artwork to add to their own collections.

Above you’ll see the page on Opensea for your digital collectible.

The page on the left is the NFT you just minted, and on the right is the dedicated collection page for your custom ERC-721 Token for your custom white-labeled solution. 

Below, you have Rarible.

If you love what you see and you are interested in minting more of your artwork, or you want to just purchase a few more credits to mint a smaller collection, you can purchase additional credits to mint.

Each credit is good for 1 mint.

We created it this way so that pricing can be more predictable when you are planning out your NFT drops and launches

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